Victoria Cassar
My name is Victoria Cassar I am a French American Artist and Science Communicator. My artistic area of expertise is creating three dimensional art (anything from jewelry to large-scale installations) using organic and reclaimed materials. Other skills that tie into my work include graphic design, public speaking, journalism, and sustainability workshops. Explore my Portfolio to see some of the projects I've accomplished, who I’ve worked with, and what I could do for you.
June 19th 2019 Group Exhibition, KEENfest2019 at Outdoor Retailer, Denver, CO
March 3rd 2018 Group Exhibition, ArtSea Festival, Virginia Key, FL
January 2016 Solo Exhibition, Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge, Swanton, VT
December 2015 Group exhibition, Eco Art Gala, Davis Center, Burlington, VT
November 2015 Zugunruhe: A Sculptural Study of Flight, Colburn Gallery, Burlington, VT
April 2019 Honorable Mention: 2019 Washed Up Marine Debris Art Contest
(Hosted by the University of Florida and Sea Grant Florida)
May 2017 Outstanding Senior in Studio Art Award
November 2015 Recipient of College of Arts and Sciences APLE Grant
March 2019 Big Blue Book, Asian Diver Magazine "Art for Awareness:
The 'Plastic arts' helping us combat the plastic problem".
July 2018 Alert Diver Magazine "The Art of Plastic Pollution".
December 2015 UVM Art Department brochure, “Student Spotlight”.
November 2015 The Vermont Cynic (Vol.132 Issue 12), “Student makes arch of art”.
YOG 2017 The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Bachelor of Arts, Double Major in Environmental Studies and Studio Art. Concentration: Communication of Wildlife Conservation via the Arts.